Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 254....Food, movies, and randomness

Day 254 could also be called I'm taking way to long to update this thing and sometimes forget i'm doing this thing. 37 days in between my posts is just way to much and i'm going to start making myself post stuff no more then every 15 days or so.....I hope. I've gotten a few things done and am ready to go here:

#6. Make a totally awesome cake...again...This was my cake I donated to the teen center's spaghetti dinner. It's a golden yellow cake, with creme de menthe frosting and Baily's Irish Cream candies on top.

#8. Eat you pronounce it as a word that rhymes with gallops or saying the name Al in the middle? Either way I tried a piece of it from Kristen's chippino one night and no I did not like it. However I may be willing to revisit this # at another time.

#33 Giving flowers to a loved one....given to my aunt while she was sick in the hospital, only wished it could have had super healing powers.

#45 Donate Blood 3 times. I went and gave my blood for the first time ever and liked it. A few weeks later I get a letter telling me I'm A+ blood....nice because I didn't know and wanted to. However due to other unfortunate circumstances I am not able to donate any more blood. So according to my partner I'm doing this with I'm excused from this item.

#59 watching some top 100 per the I saw AFI's #50 movie The Lord of The Rings, the fellowship of the rings. This is 2 hours and 59 minutes of my life I will not be able to get back. The idea for the movie isn't so bad but I just did not like this movie at all for some reason. I get it an F. Please AFI produce better next time.

#63....getting back to the Futurama. Man how I loved this show (thank you kevin) I really only owned season 2 but now i'm trying to get all the seasons and the dvds, and today I just found out the new seasons will be picked back up in June. Awesome!!

#68 SU dominating Villanova.....Yes I did attend college basketball's most attended game. While I was worried going into the game, by half time there was nothing to worry about as SU won!!!

#86 The fat maker, ben and jerry's flavors. While this is one of my favorite tasks it does pack on some calories. This update's new flavor was Karamel Sutra. The Caramel core with the ice cream around it was just awesome, I will be back to this flavor.

#94 Eat some fruit for 60 days.....this wasn't hard, my diet consisted mostly of pears and bananas for this with the occasional apple or pineapple....oh yea this one I got to mark with red which means done which is awesome!!!

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