Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 137.....yikes was I sleeping?!?!?

OK so apparently I just got lazy and haven't done an up date in a few months, I even got a few friends who don't even know of the list. I will start making sure I update more often. Since it's been so long there wont be any stories in this update, you can ask about them if you'd like though, and I will just list what has been done. To all my new found friends seeing this, welcome.

"1). Try a new fish dish" well nothing exciting, it was shark on a stick gotten at the fair. It was cooked terrible. A bad cajun seasoning and just flat top grilled which didn't char the seasoning. pic can be viewed here
"6). Make an awesome cake (1 of 3)" mmm pumpkin spice cake
"10). Try 5 new restaurants including 1 Mexican place not named taco bell. (1 of 5, Salsaritas (liverpool, ny), 2 of 5, Little Italy (ogdensburg,ny))" Little Italy was good, a little hole in the wall restaraunt that had a great sauce but was way over the top kitchy with the Italian decor
"42). Buy 4 family or friends a drink (1 of 4)" simple bought someone a cup of coffee
"62). Go see Gary's band play (2 of 2, 1of 2 at shenanigans, 2 of 2 at bar at state fair)" excellent shows of course, very different from playing originals with the full band vs an accoustic set
"74). Go to 8 concerts, the free wednesday night in the park doesn't count. (1 of 8 1of8 sara evans)" Still waiting for final words on if these will count all together considering 2 are celebrity chefs and not music concerts. Flay and Guy both rocked, 2 different style shows but both great guys. Sara Evans was seen for someone's birthday and maybe only saw....hmmm 85% of the show though?
"100). Clip coupons and use 1 a week for 35 weeks (6 of 35)"
So to date I have 5 things complete (yea i know way behind) and i should have 13-15 things done. Though I do have 7 things in the works which take more then 1 day to complete. Time to get focussed.


Also just some notes, i had calculated my carbon footprint to be 9.1 i think? I wrote it down and will figure it out and get back. Also the time donated to charity will be constantly green seeing as how we are working on a major event for next August.

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