Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 155, That's my kind of princess.....

Finaly hopefully getting back on a semi regular posting schedule. Didn't complete a whole item but i did knock off parts of 2.

Item number 58: My Kind of princess:
The item was to go see different movies, well today I knocked off seeing a Disney/Animated/Kids and family movie. I expected The Princess and the Frog to be mediocre at best (yes the picture is blurry and yes i know my camera phone sucks so much it should be made by Hoover) but to be honest, the movie was great. The main character, Tianna, has a really awesome ultimate goal of opening a restaurant which was to help honor her dad who she adored. In between growing up with her best friend, working 2 jobs to save money, missing out on life, kissing a frog and finaly wishing upon a store, she meets some awesome comical friends, never loses sight of her dream oh and falls in love with a mucus covered prince with an awesome soundtrack and villian. Minus the whole main character being a poor girl from New Orleans, it's like they read my mind of my dreams.....except I want a pastry shop and not a southern food restaurant. This may very well shockingly get into my top 5 Disney movies.

Item number 10, Eat at 5 new restaurants. This time it was Limp Lizard Take-out BBQ, and even though I've had their catering once, this was the actual restaurant. I wish I had taken a picture of the food because man is this place awesome. Yes I am saying this, the lizard is far better then the dinosaur!!! I had the beef brisket sandwich with the baked beans and jalapeƱo corn bread. First off the beef was so nice and tender and tasted as good as north syracuse smelled. The beans are an awesome side and their corn bread is great minus the occasional stray hard kernel. The next day i had a bite of Kristen's left over Chicken even cold this was hands down the best chicken philly. I will be eating at this place alot....maybe next time it's the Chili..mmmmm

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 137.....yikes was I sleeping?!?!?

OK so apparently I just got lazy and haven't done an up date in a few months, I even got a few friends who don't even know of the list. I will start making sure I update more often. Since it's been so long there wont be any stories in this update, you can ask about them if you'd like though, and I will just list what has been done. To all my new found friends seeing this, welcome.

"1). Try a new fish dish" well nothing exciting, it was shark on a stick gotten at the fair. It was cooked terrible. A bad cajun seasoning and just flat top grilled which didn't char the seasoning. pic can be viewed here
"6). Make an awesome cake (1 of 3)" mmm pumpkin spice cake
"10). Try 5 new restaurants including 1 Mexican place not named taco bell. (1 of 5, Salsaritas (liverpool, ny), 2 of 5, Little Italy (ogdensburg,ny))" Little Italy was good, a little hole in the wall restaraunt that had a great sauce but was way over the top kitchy with the Italian decor
"42). Buy 4 family or friends a drink (1 of 4)" simple bought someone a cup of coffee
"62). Go see Gary's band play (2 of 2, 1of 2 at shenanigans, 2 of 2 at bar at state fair)" excellent shows of course, very different from playing originals with the full band vs an accoustic set
"74). Go to 8 concerts, the free wednesday night in the park doesn't count. (1 of 8 1of8 sara evans)" Still waiting for final words on if these will count all together considering 2 are celebrity chefs and not music concerts. Flay and Guy both rocked, 2 different style shows but both great guys. Sara Evans was seen for someone's birthday and maybe only saw....hmmm 85% of the show though?
"100). Clip coupons and use 1 a week for 35 weeks (6 of 35)"
So to date I have 5 things complete (yea i know way behind) and i should have 13-15 things done. Though I do have 7 things in the works which take more then 1 day to complete. Time to get focussed.


Also just some notes, i had calculated my carbon footprint to be 9.1 i think? I wrote it down and will figure it out and get back. Also the time donated to charity will be constantly green seeing as how we are working on a major event for next August.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 49: Keepin' Things Moving

So it's been quite awhile since my last update, I'd love to say I've been busy but it wouldn't be true for the entire time. The good news though it means that I've got stuff done to blog about.

Item #24 (the Jeff Gordon number) Get Valet Parking.

I knew this would be an easy one, but hey, it's gosh darn convenient. On a trip to Turning Stone Casino, in which Kristen won $300 on a nickel slot, I decided to spring for the extra Lincoln in my wallet and paid for the valet parking. According to most "how to tip" websites, you should tip $3. Will someone tell all the waitresses and waiters that valets make 40-60% tips. I'll stick with the average which is $2.

Item #100. Coupon Clipping to help save money!!

So on my attempt to save a little bit of money on stuff I already buy I'm going through the Sunday paper and looking for good coupons. I have tended to use more then 1 but will only takes pics of 1 a week for proof. These are from the past 2 weeks. Dannon Yoplait yogurts and Arby's.

Item #31: Our comical target...was target!!

This is perhaps, at least to me and my sister, the funniest of items on my list. This inside joke roughly started 2-3 years ago when my wife and I were out at target shopping and we walked by the display furniture section I noticed a decent dining set. I thought out loud (as most guys do) how funny would it be to go to the snack bar, grab some food, and sit at the dining table and eat to "test eat" the furniture. Kristen however did not find this as amusing as I did, or at all for that matter. Later I recounted the story to my sister Jen who with a similar sense of humor (a good one) thought it would be funny. So X number of years later we decided we would do it the weekend before she left for college. As seen in the photos she chose the nachos with cheese and red slushie, I however went for the fruit parfait cup (gross) and lemonade. Upon getting to the furniture section (oh yea we scouted ahead of time) there was not real table to sit at so we instead opted for the porch swing set in the lawn and garden section. This seemed like a good idea till we later discovered that the mystery door there was the back stock room where employees came from. We sat and ate regardless of what people thought, we knew we were funny and would give people something to talk about later. We did have a slight fear of getting yelled at but thought whatever (mom and wife feared being arrested for some unknown reason). We did not get yelled at except for when Jen belched a very unlady-like burp which was funny till we heard an "EXCUSE ME!!" from behind us and i think we both jumped in fear of the mean looking middle aged angry manager behind us....nope we were safe just some normal middle aged lady outraged she burped without manners and then pinned the blame on me. All in all a funny little experience.

Item #86 Making Ben and Jerry richer.

For the normal price of ben and jerry's ice cream I never saw the point in buying the Vanilla flavor. Though I love vanilla I never bought this. However with the now like super small sized ones for a dollar I thought I'd give it a try. While it was in fact good, it just didn't wow me that much.

So that means to date I've got 3 items done, and have started on 3 others. According to the averages, I should be done with 5 so I'm a little bit behind. Also I've really sorta started on 4 as I've started getting my cookbook in order and worked on in my mind for a theme. Now just to get it on paper...err computer files really I guess. Till next time!!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 22, Finaly 1 thing complete and parts of a few others....again

Ok so it's been 13 days since my last post which is ohhhh 3-4 days more then I would like but hey we all get busy and side tracked right? **at this point i've spent 5 minutes trying to come up with some funny comment or story but have failed due to my mood** so on with the new Items.

#52-I have bought canvas bag #4 so that is now officialy my first complete item. Of course the hard thing is remembering to get said bags in car after you bring groceries inside. For those wondering where my bag came from they are from Target(red), Walmart (black), Price Chopper (white and green), and Wegmans (green).
Needless to say I feel good not using the plastic bags all the time. A bonus as well; Price Chopper discounts your order for bringing them to use.

#58....was not thrilled about this one. But by doing this I got to complete another of my items. I went and saw the movie The Proposal featuring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. I was actualy dreading this movie, untill I got here and alittle into the movie I realized how friggen hilarious Ryan Reynolds is. I've loved him as an actor since 2 guys a girl and a pizza place. Needless to say I semi enjoyed the movie giving it a 2.5 out of 5 stars though as all chick flicks go, the ending is highly predictable within 25 minutes of the movie.

Oh also they had an awesome trailer for GI Joe and a new movie that has peaked my interest known as "cloudy with a chance of meatballs".....aparently this was a book as well.

#10....the good part of the bargin was getting to try a new place to eat. Salsarita's was the place and it's apparently the Mexican equivelent of Subway. This place was really good. In fact I went there twice in 3 days. The first time I got the Enchiladas...intended to take picture as the proof but forgot so took one of my reciept. Went there 2nd time got grilled chicken burrito and once again forgot to take a picture. To all my friends in syracuse I recomend checking this place out or if there is one near you gooooooo!!!!!!

#86-Certainly one of the more tastey items on the list. I bought a pint of Willie Nelson's Country Peach Cobbler ice cream. It's a decent flavor the chunks of brown sugar are just to much. Something I may buy once more in my life but not often and not a flavor of choice.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 9, nothing complete but a few things started.

Day Nine: While i haven't fully completed 1 specific item I have started on 3. First off #52 I have obtained 3 of the 4 canvas bags as seen here:

the bags are from Target, Walmart, and Price Chopper. Next on the list was #86 eating some B&J's ice cream. Well not only did i have some ben and jerry ice cream but it was a new flavor to me as well (coffee coffee, buzz buzz buzz).

The last order of business for this update is #58. Seeing a movie of a different genre in theatres. Well cross off Sci-Fi. I went on Sunday and saw:

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. While I love the books the movies never can quite do it justice, and I understand (the book was 652 pages) that it can be hard to wind that down to 2.5 hours. But surely things can be done better!!! Well that is all for now and hopefully by the next update in 9 or 10 days I will have done some more so so long and farewell for now!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day Zero Project: 101 in 1001

So this project that my friend Jeanne Marie and I are doing is called Day Zero Project. Basicly what it is, is a list of 101 things you would like to accomplish in 1001 days. We are depending on each other to ensure the other person gets the list done and I hope I can rely on some other friends for support and help. If this doesn't sound like alot to do, yes it is on average 1 thing every 9-10 days but some things can't be done on a whim and will take some planning and time. My hope is that I can motivate myself to do some new things and become a better me. Follow my blog here as I update every 10 days and post what I've done on my list and of